Brad Anderson
Brad came to serve Cayce Presbyterian in August of 2020. He is a graduate of Erskine College (Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education) and Erskine Theological Seminary (Master of Arts in Theological Studies, Doctorate of Ministry). Prior to being at Cayce Pres., he served in youth ministry for 18 years at two ARP churches: Boyce Memorial ARP Church in Kings Mountain, NC, and First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC.
Brad is married to Kelley, and they have five children and a dog. While Anderson life is full, Brad enjoys working on projects around the house, reading, and meeting folks for coffee and lunch.

Our Officers
Elders (Session)
Rev. Brad Anderson, Moderator
Stan Baston
Stephen Coker
David Foster
Bobby Hair
Deacons (Diaconate)
Charlie Yelton
Josh Madsen
Jimmy Doukas
Locke Doty